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TS 8- Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

Make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school

Supporting school at New Parents Evenings, etc.
- Leading staff training sessions
- Peer mentoring/coaching
- Developing and contributing to development of SoW, policies
- Engaging in enrichment activities – planning/leading/organising – to include afterschool activities, residentials, whole school events, home/school events, clubs, fairs, community and charity events
- Developing a whole school area – allotment, etc.
- Mentoring trainees
- Involvement with governors; PTA
- Being a team player and taking ownership of the environment you ‘live in’

Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support

Changing practice in light of feedback from lesson observations
- Taking responsibility for own and group CPD
- Being prepared to participate in trials, new pedagogies e.g. team teaching/lesson study, etc.
- Playing active part in staff meetings/ INSET
- Coaching & peer mentoring
- Team meetings/ focus sessions
- Multi-agency working
- Lesson study
- Seeking support when appropriate
- Performance management
- Email messages (tone…)
- Evidence of team leadership/ collaborative work on specific projects
- “Walking the walk”
- Maintaining confidentiality in and out of school

Deploy support staff effectively

Lesson observations
- IEP/ Intervention
- Feedback from TAs/support staff (either lesson based or in support staff meeting)
- Pupil progress/ assessment
- Planning evidence and book scrutiny
- Team meetings
- Engagement in planning
- 360º review
- Comments on school review documentation
- Support staff appraisals
- CPD – requesting, attending, leading; ensuring support staff have appropriate CPD and resources to deliver learning effectively
- Supervision meetings

Take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues

Acting on feedback – what’s changed? (Reflective entry)
- Subject leadership/ staff CPD
- Regular reflection on practice e.g. journal, further professional study, leading a staff group, disseminating new learning to colleagues
- Peer observation and mentoring
- Showing and sharing good practice
- Cross-phase and cross-school moderation
- PM reviews – mid and end of year; contributing own targets for development
- Lesson observations
- Requesting CPD
- Being thoroughly up to date with pedagogy and practice
- Understanding and working to maintain and improve on the professional responsibilities and progression in these standards

Communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being.

- Reporting
- Parents evenings/ days
- Parent feedback/ parents’ meetings/ 1:1 conversations with parents
- Parent voice
- Open-door sessions
- Following up actions/ concerns, giving hard messages, celebrating successes etc.
- Home/School liaison – diaries, etc.
- Written reports including all SEN documentation, as required
- Newsletters
- Giving letters and information out on time – team approach
- Responsibility for contacting parents outside of timetabled parents’ meetings

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