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TS 3- Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

Have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject, and address misunderstandings

Planning showing progression from before and onwards
- Lesson observations show differentiation & appropriate challenge, questioning
- Marking & feedback, Assessment
- Target setting
- Pupil conferencing
- Work scrutiny
- CPD – engagement in INSET, staff meetings, courses, school networks
- Leading subject (INSET, staff meeting, subject leader file)
- Support/ liaise with colleagues
- Classroom environment
- Focus weeks, clubs
- Creativity outside classroom
- Communication with parents
- Modelling interests, identifying & signposting to further activities

Demonstrate a critical understanding of developments in the subject and curriculum areas, and promote the value of scholarship

- Attendance of/ contribution / role modelling acquisition of new understanding in staff meetings, INSET, other CPD
- Policy and planning review and scrutiny
- Impact on learning – outcome of learning – progress/books
- Relevant pedagogy – TES articles, own research etc
- CPD records
- Lesson observations/ Observations from learning walks
- Pupil and parent voice/ pupil attitudes/ pupil progress

Demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for 
promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of 
standard English, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject 

- Speaking & listening of children
- Modelling of spoken and written English in all lessons regardless of subject
- SATs results, optional SATs Y3 - Y5
- Lesson observations – focus on literacy promotion, provision and standards accepted
- Planning shows development of literacy as well as subject specific
- Classroom environment shows accurate promotion of literacy key skills and reading
- Drop-in sessions
- Planning (target) to include building literacy skills
- Learning walks
- Work sampling and marking in (joined) legible script and enabling development of literacy skills, speaking and listening e.g. Talk for Writing
- Assemblies
- Articulate written and verbal communication (with parents and children)

If teaching early reading, demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics

- Teaching at dedicated time EYFS/ KS1/ KS2
- Plans, including Letters & Sounds or other scheme and guided reading show accurate, regular and prompt planning of groups, interventions and regular assessment
- Good use of TA’s who have good knowledge effectively displayed
- Hearing children read, picking up errors
- Teacher pronounces appropriate phonemes
- Literacy leader monitoring
- Outcomes of formal assessment
- Lesson observations
- Phonics plans and rich classroom environment
- Work scrutiny
- Analysis of data
- KS2 – 4 teachers with children with SEN in reading are aware of next steps and proactive in promoting reading and supporting phonic development

If teaching early mathematics, demonstrate a clear understanding of appropriate teaching strategies

- Work scrutiny shows school policy for developing strategies is applied consistency e.g. use of correct graphing skills in Maths, Science, Humanities, PE etc
- Good use of TA’s
- School policy outlining strategies, adherence to calculation policy
- Lesson observations
- Work scrutiny
- Analysis of data
- KS2 – 4 teachers with children with SEN in maths are aware of next steps and proactive in promoting calculation, data handling and using and applying mathematics

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