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TS 2- Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

Be accountable for pupils’ attainment, progress and outcomes

PM reviews
- Pupil progress meetings – including teachers’ own analysis of data, impact &
progress of vulnerable groups
- Intervention & impact – evidence of interventions in place Even if outcomes or
progress is limited, is there evidence of actions?
- APP & teachers’ records
- Exam and test outcomes
- Lesson observation formative feedback and post-observation
- Learners’ views, pupil conferencing & knowledge of targets
- Parents’/ carers’ views – evidence of meetings
- IEP reviews, Personal Support Plans
- Progress against targets - teacher tracking
- Students responses to written feedback
- Teachers’ data packs
- Case studies for individual pupils or groups
- Book scrutiny; marking in books & indicating next steps
- Planning scrutiny - planning that reflects gaps analysis/data interpretation
- Learning journals, class scrapbook
- EYFS profile data
- External input – SIA observations, etc.
- “Sign off day” – teacher giving evidence to next year’s teacher
- Pupil voice: ‘I have met my target’

Be aware of pupils’ capabilities and their prior knowledge, and plan teaching to build on these 

Annotated lesson plans (including differentiation)
- AfL strategies
- Seating and group plans – identification of vulnerable children
- Impact of intervention
- Use of assessment to inform planning; SIMS assessment data sheets (Assessment Manager)
- IEPs; Individual pupil targets (data); annotated individual pupil tracking sheets
- Entry & Exit cards
- Observations
- Understanding of tracking documents/ systems in school & demonstration of using them
- Key questions identified in planning
- APP sheets/ Planning linked to APP
- e-books
- EYFS profile
- Baseline assessments
- Learning logs/ Learning walks
- Use of school pastoral systems, e.g. attendance
- Transition information
- Parents, including home visits
- Other professionals who are involved, e.g. speech therapists, etc.
- Discussion with students/pupils – students planning?
- Work scrutiny; Quality of marking in books
- ‘Vulnerability register’ – records barriers to learning – staff take responsibility
- CAF tracker

Guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs

Lesson observations
- Student voice (process – not one-off conversation)
- Peer evaluation; AfL
- IEP reviews
- Response to marking and feedback
- Class environment promoting space for reflection
- Journals and diaries
- Thinking Trees; Learning Walls
- Pupil awareness of development target
- Marking to success criteria; Pupils select own success criteria
- Target setting
- Pupil progress reviews
- Child observations

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching 

- Lesson planning – for EAL, SEN, VAK learners
- Student voice
- Lesson study
- CPD/ staff training (and evidence of CPD in appropriate areas)
- Varied and creative teaching styles e.g. paired work, team teaching (not single approach all lesson)
- Evidence of adapting lesson in response to pupils’ needs through lesson observations/ learning walks
- Evidence of independent learning tailored to pupils’ preferred learning style e.g. Gardner’s 7 intelligences
- Good balance of teacher talk & independent work
- Feedback from, or providing for, lesson observations
- Observations for learning diaries (EYFS)
- Curriculum planning/skills progression

Encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study. 
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