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TS 6- Make accurate and productive use of assessment

Know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and 
curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements 

Accurate use of assessment to identify gaps and plan next steps
- Moderation (external, internal and across schools/ departments)
- Monitoring cycle
- Lesson observation (and feedback)
- Contributions in staff meetings, training records show outcomes of training
- Work sampling
- Outcomes of moderation and pupil progress meetings– APP, levelling etc.
- Admin of EYFS profile/ KS1/ KS2 SATs
- Pupil conferencing, personalised questioning
- Pupil progress meetings
- Statutory assessment carried out correctly

  Make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ 

- Planning reflects assessment outcomes
- Data
- Book scrutiny and quality of marking – Next steps
- Interventions including more able and other vulnerable groups
- Deployment of other adults
- Pupil progress meetings
- Using APP or other materials to do gaps analysis
- Curricular target setting
- Planning of Guided Groups
- Using information from previous/ other current teachers to inform planning

Use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan 
subsequent lessons 

 Pupil progress meetings influence future planning
- Learning environment
- Pupil voice
- Book scrutiny
- Knowledge of Raise online/ Profile/ School data
- Pupil conferencing/ voice – enabling relevant planning of interest
- Planning – medium/short term
- Lesson observation

Give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback.

Books/ Work scrutiny
- Lesson observations
- Pupil conferences, tutor group time
- Pupil questionnaires
- Children can articulate targets

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