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TS 2- Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

Estabilish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, roted in mutual respect

Safeguarding practice matches policy
- Class environment – how does environment support and extend learning?
- Attendance and punctuality; bullying log/ behaviour log
- Opportunities for learning outside school day; completion of homework
- Pupil behaviour in lessons: behaviour systems promoting learning, e.g. peer
- Possible rewards and sanctions (including celebration assemblies, class
- Relaxed atmosphere within class – pupil talk; confidence to speak and discuss;
respect for opinions
- Lesson observation and learning walks; portfolio of (stimulating) displays &
learning walls (which represent minorities e.g. disabled, ethnic groups, etc.)
- Student voice – especially look for stimulating environment & high expectations;
impact of peer mediators and peer coaching; pupil questionnaire
- Cross-phase/ mixing year groups
- Use of external agencies
- Induction systems at start and middle of the year
- Ability to work with parents/carers to establish positive behaviour

Set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all background, abilities and dispositions

Children know targets and how to get them; next steps marking; AfL embedded
- Attainment and wellbeing targets; end of term/ project/ year targets; support and intervention to meet targets
- Celebration of targets achieved? Effective mentoring in place
- Student voice - are targets challenging? Evidence of class code of conduct
- IEPs show clear steps to goals & regular review
- Effective tracking/ analysis of data to close the gaps
- Quality lesson planning (which shows clear and appropriate differentiation); seating plans/groupings
- Awareness of vulnerable children/groups – effective interventions
- Pupil progress meetings; evidence showing understanding/impact of vulnerable children’s needs; APP up-to-date; teacher tracking data with interventions
- Lesson observation comments/ feedback form
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Plan; Celebration of other backgrounds/cultures
- Good use of resources and support staff
- Target walls differentiated to ensure personal success

Demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils

Lesson observations and learning walks show consistency of practice
- Teachers model behaviour, respect, politeness expected in and outside class to
other colleagues and visitors, not just children
- Regular feedback to pupils
- Follow school’s behaviour code consistently, including sanctions, rewards, code in
& out of classroom; display work
- Vision & values of school demonstrated;
- Home/School agreement; Class charter/rules
- Behaviour around school – transition times, playground, time keeping
- Feedback from outside agencies and community, e.g. trips out, visitors’ book,
parents’ feedback
- Pupil conferencing/ voice; School Council
- Being interested in, and committed to, each child as an individual

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