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TS 4- Plan and teach well structured lessons

Impart knowledge and develop understanding through effective use of lesson time

- Timekeeping/ timetabling
- Pupil conferencing
- Lesson observations (show high level of productivity & engagement)
- Lesson plans (which reflect progression); well-planned/ thought through questioning
- Use of TAs for effective learning
- Work scrutiny – productivity

Promote a love of learning and children’s intellectual curiosity

- Learning environment; encouraging children’s questions/ ideas and opportunities for deep questioning and curiosity to be aroused
- Evidence that children’s ideas have fed into topics
- Promotion of love of books/reading
- Student voice/ feedback
- Lesson observations and learning walks – staff enthusiasm
- Engagement in wider activities, e.g. World Book Day
- Enrichment opportunities – visitors
- Pupil conferencing – evaluation
- Parental responses
- Positive behaviour observed

Set homework and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired 

Lesson plans; displays
- Appropriate and motivating homework; homework record;
- Annual parental survey of home learning
- Scrutiny of appropriateness and motivation of work set
- Marking/ feedback
- Student voice, feedback from parents, homework dairies
- Stimulating homework challenges
- Visits/visitors used to enhance learning; school trips & associated work

Reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching

Lesson objectives with measurable outcomes to gauge progress
- Progress made between lesson observations (teacher progress) & response to targets
- Completion of peer observations
- Contribution/participation in CPD activity to improve teaching
- Annotated planning
- Lesson observations & evaluations/ lesson study
- Minutes of KS meetings
- CPD and impact in classes

Contribute to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum within the relevant subject area(s)

Adapt/ develop SoW/ discussion with governors
- Participation in enrichment activity linked to subject e.g. running visit/ trip/ CPD event
- Review of resources, e.g. text books, CD Roms, online materials
- Planning and scrutiny – curriculum areas; learning arc; pupil voice

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